Aston Student Homes Terms and Conditions of Registration
  1. By registering with Aston Student Homes you are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions outlined on the Aston Student Homes website and our minimum standards. It is important that you read the associated document which details the terms of the Standards. It is essential that when agreeing to abide by the Aston Student Homes Standards you are in a position to have full management and control of the dwelling being advertised. In order to comply, it will not be possible to offer a 'student finder' service where an agent is offering to fill the property for a non-accredited landlord. Students searching for accommodation using the service do so with the knowledge that they should be living in a dwelling which is managed by an Aston Student Homes registered provider only.
  2. Once the registration fee is paid it will not be refunded, even if your property advert does not go live or if you decide not to complete the registration procedure. You are responsible for ensuring that you and your property can comply with the Aston Student Homes Standards and terms and conditions.
  3. Costs applicable are to register the full development, irrespective of the number of rooms advertised or available. For example – registration costs for a 100 bed development with 50 vacancies will be £750 inc. VAT. Based on price for 24-25 £7.50 (6.25+ VAT) per bed space for the first 100 bed spaces. Please go to this page, via this link for a full list of registration fees.
  4. All payments will be made within 30 days of date on invoice.
  5. Aston Student Homes offers an advertise only service. Students are encouraged to contact accommodation providers directly with their enquiries.
  6. You must provide a copy of a current gas safety certificate, electrical periodic inspection report and Energy Performance Certificate (if the property is required to comply with EPC legislation) for each property. Submission of a forged or falsified gas or electrical safety certificate will result in immediate removal from the Aston Student Homes register and any adverts will be removed. You are responsible for ensuring updated safety certification are supplied when existing certification expires. Advertisements for properties with an expired certificate will be automatically suspended, until you have updated your records with the new certification. The Studentpad database system will provide you with notification of the expiry of certificates before the date and when the certificate has expired. It is your responsibility to ensure that the current certification is supplied to ensure the continued advertising of a dwelling.
  7. All properties must have a fully working fire detection system and a fire blanket in each kitchen. Properties occupying more than one floor must have inter-linked mains wired smoke detectors. A dwelling which has a gas supply must have a working carbon monoxide monitor.
  8. Owners or management agents will ensure that openable ground floor windows should be fitted with a window restrictor. Restrictors and their fittings should be suitably robust to prevent intruders from forcing them open beyond the restriction and only removable with a special tool or key. This clause is not applicable if the window is a designated escape window or where the Local Authority or Fire Service have determined the window is a means of escape.
  9. Registration and advertising is at the discretion of Aston Student Homes who reserve the right to refuse to advertise a property or owner. Aston Student Homes reserves the right to suspend accreditation at any point where there is misrepresentation or a breach of the Aston Student Homes Terms and Conditions.
  10. Owners or management agents agree to provide details of their licensing status and provide Aston Student Homes with a copy of their current license or alternatively provide proof that any license application is being processed.
  11. Aston Student Homes Accommodation Fairs are held annually in late November /early December. Only Aston Student Homes registered providers are invited to exhibit (fees apply) and they must have met our minimum standards with no outstanding complaints. We occasionally hold a second fair in March.
  12. Owners or management agents agree not to approach prospective tenants or distribute marketing literature within 100 metres of the Students’ Union and on campus during Aston Student Homes scheduled events. If you wish to leaflet on campus, please see Only Aston Student Homes registered providers can book these additional marketing opportunities.
  13. The use of the Aston Student Homes logo is not permitted by accredited providers without express permission. We will consider usage of the Aston Student Homes logo upon receipt of a written request (by email to along with details of where the logo will be used. Aston Student Homes will seek to verify a website platform wishing to use the logo to ensure appropriate use and each request will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
  14. Aston Student Homes reserves the right to request the removal of the Aston Student Homes logo when permission has not been sought. All requests should be addressed to the manager at 
  15. Owners or management agents, confirm that they have not been removed or denied membership of accreditation schemes and/or had a HMO, selective or additional license refused. Aston Student Homes also strongly recommends that any prospective/existing private halls providers are a member of the national code.
  16. By agreeing to these terms you are giving consent for your information to be held on a computer and in paper files and if requested, passed to statutory bodies.
Limitation on Liability Declaration

Aston Student Homes does not accept any liability to the person named whether the landlord or landlady (or agent or third party) by reason of any representation (unless fraudulent) or any implied warranty, condition, or other term or any duty of common law or under the express terms of this document for any loss of profit or any direct, indirect, special or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims (whether caused by the negligence of Aston Student Homes, its servants or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the provision of accommodation services and the entire liability of Aston Student Homes in connection with those services shall not exceed the Registration Fee paid in connection with the service.


If your registration request is accepted by Aston Student Homes it will only cover advertising for tenancies within the applied academic year up to a maximum of 12 months between 1st August to following 31st July. You are not entitled to an automatic renewal of registration upon expiry. A further request may be submitted upon expiry of registration, which may not be accepted. Aston Student Homes reserves the right to refuse to advertise or to withdraw an accredited provider from the register of accredited properties, upon giving notice.


Aston Student Homes seeks to promote racial, cultural and gender harmony through its practices and reserves the right to act against anyone who attempts to discriminate on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, race, creed or colour.