Aston Student Homes is committed to brilliant customer service and quality control in all areas of work.
Aston Student Homes treats all complaints seriously and endeavours to provide the best possible service to all clients. The Complaints Procedure is open to all persons receiving a service from Aston Student Homes, most regularly students and accommodation providers/landlords and agents.
- What is a Complaint?
Aston Student Homes adopts the following definition: "A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard or service, action or lack of action by the organisation or by its staff, which affects an individual client or group of clients"
The following will not be treated as a complaint:
- Requests for preferential treatment
- Requests for information
- Anonymous complaints
- How can I complain?
An initial complaint can be raised with the Aston Student Homes staff team. The team can look at the complaint and try to resolve any issues raised informally. You can complain by email to
Email: or over the phone on; 0121 204 4893.
- How can I complain more formally?
If you wish to complain further, you must provide details of your complaint in writing. If you require help in making a written complaint a member of staff will be able to assist.
The written complaint should be directed to the Head of Student Engagement Services, Richard Broome,
We will communicate in writing to you within 10 working days of receiving the written complaint giving our response.
- Complaint review
If you are dissatisfied with the response provided to your complaint, you can complain in writing to the CEO of Aston Students’ Union, Max Mcloughlin; or to the President of Aston Students’ Union; . This complaint should be made within 14 days of the formal response being received.